速報APP / 商業 / GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer

GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer



檔案大小:40.5 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer(圖1)-速報App

Are you interested in Real Estate as an investment? (Buy and Hold)

Do you want to evaluate a rental property and minimize mistakes before you buy?

Profitably analyze properties with the most comprehensive mobile BUY AND HOLD property analyzer and evaluator available on the app store.

Get the only app that will be your lifetime real estate investing partner. This is the most comprehensive real estate investor and analyzer app on the iStore designed as a huge time saver. Quickly analyze properties, keep track of your ROI, view maps, do your due diligence, offer checklists, inspection checklists, take pictures in the app, and keep track of your favourite real estate professionals.

Cool Features:

- Helpful tips and information pop ups available on most screens (press "i")

- Sample property included

- Summary screen with all your financial ratios and a slider to see any point in time.

- Unique profit and loss view so you can estimate your P&L and your cash flow.

GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer(圖2)-速報App

- Analyzer screen with all your cash, vacancy, income, expenses, and mortgage information.

- Property information screen with walk scores, maps, web links, and more.

- Offer details screen, with an important conditions checklist.

- Diligence checklist and repair estimator

- 6 different PDF reports.

- Take pictures while you visit the property.

- Easy setup for new properties: save your favourite professionals, and default settings.

- Built in warning flags for quicker risk decisions.

- Real Estate Glossaries

GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer(圖3)-速報App

IMPORTANT: This version is limited to 2 properties. Please purchase the paid version for access to unlimited properties and many other features.

GoldMine Mini Rental Analyzer(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad